Peter Komar (markus). The Resume.
Specialization: C/C++ developer, Linux - developer.
- 2000-2005 - Ternopol national pedagogical university it. V.Gnatyuk, Ukraine, Physical and mathematical faculty. Has protected the diploma on a theme "System of the organization of work with not structured and low structured data".
- None
- German - an initial level.
- Ukrainian - native.
- Russian - free possession.
- English - an initial level.
- Programming languages
- - C/C++ (average level)
- - Bash (base knowledge)
- - PHP (an initial level, experience of creation web - shop)
- Tools of creation the documentation:
- - Docbook (base knowledge)
- Programming environments:
- - KDevelop
- - Quanta
- - Visual C ++ v6.0, Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Libraries:
- - Qt 3.x, Qt4.x (base knowledge)
- - Gtk 2.0 + (initial level)
- - xLib - (initial level)
Date of birth: 9.06.1983 year.
The marital status: unmarried.
Phone: 380963064077
ICQ: 346065419